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Sr. No. Created For Class Subject # [Stage wise] Desc File Time Duration Created By Created On Actions
1 2020-09-24 5TH-A HINDI SA1EXAM
September 2020
2020-09-25 11:15:00
2020-09-25 14:50:00
Mrs. Seema Kumari 2020-09-24
2 2020-09-24 7THR HINDI SA1 examination
Hindi reader
2020-09-25 08:15:00
2020-09-25 10:45:00
Mrs. Reena 2020-09-24
3 2020-09-24 2ND- L HINDI hindi reader papar
2020-09-24 11:15:00
2020-09-24 14:00:00
Mr. Madan Lal 2020-09-24
4 2020-09-24 3RD-A HINDI Hindi Grammar Exam
Hindi Grammar paper
Mr. Birender Kumar 2020-09-24
5 2020-09-24 4TH-R HINDI SA1EXAM
September 2020
2020-09-24 11:15:00
2020-09-24 13:00:00
Mrs. Seema Kumari 2020-09-24
6 2020-09-24 6TH-R HINDI हिंदी व्याकरण
संकलित मूल्यांकन 1
2020-09-24 08:15:00
2020-09-24 10:30:00
Sneh Lata 2020-09-24
7 2020-09-24 7THR ENGLISH English reader
English reader
2020-09-24 08:15:00
2020-09-24 10:30:00
JYOTI 2020-09-24
8 2020-09-24 8TH-A SKT संस्कृत
संकलित मूल्यांकन 1
2020-09-24 08:15:00
2020-09-24 11:45:00
Sneh Lata 2020-09-24
9 2020-09-23 5TH-A ENGLISH 5th (grammar)
2020-09-24 11:15:00
2020-09-24 14:00:00
Mrs. Kanchan 2020-09-23
10 2020-09-23 10TH-A HINDI SA1EXAM
September 2020
2020-09-24 08:15:00
2020-09-24 11:45:00
Mrs. Seema Kumari 2020-09-23
11 2020-09-23 9TH-A ENGLISH SA1
Shiv Shakti Convent School CLASS: IX  ENGLISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE  TIME :3HR   MM:80  General Instructions   The Question paper is divided into two: Part  A  Reading, literature, 40 Marks   Part  B – Writing and Grammar and Literature 40 marks   All questions are compulsory.    Marks are indicated against each question.                         PART A 1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. (Any Ten)  Tourists to Jammu and Kashmir have another attraction – a floating post office on the Dal Lake in  Srinagar, the first in the country. ‘Floating Post Office, Dal Lake’ – claimed to be the only one such post  office in the world – is built on an intricately carved maroon houseboat, fastened on the western edge  of the Dal Lake.     (2) This post office lets you avail of all the regular postal services available in the country while being  afloat. The seal used on everything posted from Floating Post Office is unique – along with the date  and address, it bears the design of a boatman rowing a shikara on the Dal Lake. The special feature of  this post office is that letters posted from here carry a special design which has the picturesque  scenery of Dal Lake and Srinagar city. These pictures reach wherever these letters are posted to and  hence promote Kashmir as a tourist destination across the world.    (3) This is actually a heritage post office that has existed since British times. It was called Nehru Park Post  Office before 2011. But then the chief postmaster John Samuel renamed it as ‘Floating Post Office’.    (4) The post office’s houseboat has two small rooms – one serves as the office and the other a small  museum that traces the philatelic history of the state postal department. It has a shop that sells  postage stamps and other products.    (5) But for the locals, Floating Post office is more than an object of fascination. 1-2 crore is deposited per  month in Floating Post Office by communities living in and around the Dal Lake. The lake has several  islets that are home to more than 50,000 people.    (6) The greatest fear is the recurrence of 2014 like floods in which the houseboat had gone for a toss  uncontrollably pushed by the flood. Rescue teams had to anchor it using special mechanism in a  nearby highland. Then it was brought back on the Dal after the water receded. The biggest boon is  that at no time of the year do you need a fan in this post-office !    1.1 Attempt any Ten of the following questions on the basis of the passage you have read : 1´10= 10 (i) What is the location of the Floating Post Office in Srinagar?   (a) On dal lake  (b) Near centaur  (c) On Pari Mahal    (ii) What is special about the seal used in the post office?   (a) design of  a houseboat on the Dal Lake  (b) design of a boatman rowing a shikara on the Dal Lake (c) design of a chinar tree on the Dal Lake  iii) The post office is helpful in promoting tourism _____________  (iv) Who renamed the post office as ‘Floating Post Office’?  (a) Chief Postmaster  (b) Postman  (c) Delivery agent  (v) The two rooms of the post office are used for_____  (vi) The post office is beneficial to the locals _______  (vii) What is the greatest fear that the post office has ?  (a) Floods  (b) Earthquakes  (c) Tsunami  (viii) How is the post office a big boon to the people?  (a) You do not need fan  (b) You need airconditioning  (c) You do not need heater  (ix) The flood came in the year ______ in Kashmir valley . X. Define "Shikara"? Xi. Name the capital of Jammu and Kashmir? XII. What is 'Chinaar'?  Q2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 1. Have you ever failed at something so miserably that the thought of  attempting to do it again was the last thing you wanted to do? 2. If your answer is yes, then you are "not a robot." Unlike robots, we  human beings have feelings, emotions, and dreams. We are all  meant to grow and stretch despite our circumstances and our  limitations. Flourishing and trying to make our dreams come true is  great when life is going our way. But what happens when it's not?  What happens when you fail despite all of your hard work? Do you  stay down and accept the defeat or do you get up again and again until you are satisfied? If you have a tendency to persevere and keep  going then you have what experts call, grit. 3. Falling down or failing is one of the most agonizing, embarrassing,  and scariest human experiences. But it is also one of the most  educational, empowering, and essential parts of living a successful  and fulfilling life. Did you know that perseverance (grit) is one of the  seven qualities that have been described as the keys to personal  success and betterment in society? The other six are: curiosity,  gratitude, optimism, self-control, social intelligence, and zest.  Thomas Edison is a model for grit for trying 1,000 plus times to invent  the light bulb. If you are reading this with the lights on in your room,  you know well he succeeded. When asked why he kept going despite  his hundreds of failures, he merely stated that what he had been not  failures. They were hundreds of ways not to create a light bulb. This  statement not only revealed his grit but also his optimism for looking  at the bright side 4. Grit can be learned to help you become more successful. One of the  techniques that helps is mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice that  helps the individual stay in the moment by bringing awareness of his  or her experience without judgement. This practice has been used to  quiet the noise of their fears and doubts. Through this simple practice  of mindfulness, individuals have the ability to stop the self- sabotaging downward spiral of hopelessness, despair, and  frustration. 5. What did you do to overcome the negative and self-sabotaging  feelings of failure? Reflect on what you did, and try to use those same  powerful resources to help you today. Answer the following questions:-  i. According to the passage, what are the attributes of a human?  ii. What is perceived as grit?  iii. How is 'failing' an educational and empowering part of human  life?  iv. How does mindfulness help?  v. While inventing the light bulb, Thomas Edison had failed____   vi . 1000 times b. 10000 plus times   vii.  1000 plus times d. 10000 times viii. Failure is a part of_______ life.  a. normal b. common   c. human d. ordinary  ix. In paragraph 2, __________means continue.  a. robots b. satisfied   c. persevere d. flourishing  x.  _________helps in preventing individuals from going down the  lines of despair.  a. success b. fear   c. doubt d. mindfulness Q3 .Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follows, (any 5) 5 Marks Along the sand he lay until observed and chased away, and now he vanishes in the ripples among the green slim reeds 1- What are the snakes generally considerd? A) source of joy B) source of entertainment C) fear factor D) none   2- What does the poet think of snakes? A) source of joy B) fear factor C) dangerous D) harmless animals untill disturbed 3- Who is the poet of this poem? A) W.W.E.Ross B) W.W C) W.H D) W.E.L. 4- What is the style of the poem? A) free verse with unequal lines B) sonnet C) five lines in every stanza D) none 5- What appeal does the poet make to the readers in this poem? A) stay away from snakes B) kill snakes C) treat snakes in a kind manner D) None 6- What is the theme of the poem? A) stop cruelty towards animals B) hate animals C) be away from animals D) animals are dangerous Q4 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.(any 5).            5 Marks The two men were hungry. Now that the shops were open, they went to buy some groceries. To their astonishment, they found that everything cost the same, a single duddu — whether they bought a measure of rice or a bunch of bananas, it cost a duddu 1- What does this story speak about? A) kings B) kings and their ministers C) a kingdom ruled by a foolish king and his silly minister D) all 2- What kind of story is this? A) A folktale B) a mocktale C) a humorous D) a serious 3- What does this story throw light upon? A) foolish people and the dangers they pose B) kings and their ministers C) always be happy D) wise people 4- What is the theme of this lesson? A) foolish people are unpredictable and dangerous B) kings are dangerous C) gurus are wise D) have good friends 5- Why are the people in the kingdom called foolish? A) because they follow all the ridiculous orders passed by their king B) because they listen to their king C) because they do silly things D) because they are foolish 6- What is the message of the story? A) be wise and stay away from foolish people B) listen to the kings C) kings are fools D) none Q5   Choose the best word from the options given below and complete the following : (10*1 = 10)  Even though we have (i)___ the 21st century more than a billion people (ii)__ in extreme poverty. 40  million children do not (iv)___ access to school and 360 million adult cannot read or write Millions of  people are unemployed or working in dangerous jobs.  (i)(a) entering (b) entered (c) enter (d) enters  (ii)(a) live (b)lived (c) living (d) lives  (iii)(a) infecting(b)infect(c)infected(d)infects  (iv)(a)have(b)had(c)has(d)having V .Ban on Smoking Smoking in all public places……... i) is banned ii) has been banned iii) was banned iv) will be banned VI. 12 injured as buses collide About _________________________ at the K.N.P. junction here today. i) 12 persons were injured as two buses collided ii) 12 persons have been injured when two buses collided iii) 12 persons had been injured as two buses collided iv) 12 persons can be injured as two buses collided VII. Drive against Liquor Mafia launched. The police_________________________ engaged in smuggling of liquor to the state. i) has launched a drive against the mafia who are ii) have launched a drive against the mafia that is iii) had launched a drive against mafia that will be iv) had launched a drive against mafia who were VIII. China develops medical robot A polytechnic university in China___________________ that can conduct surgeries. i) have developed a medical robot ii) has developed a medical robot iii) is developing a medical robot iv) will be developing a medial robot IX. Most UFO sightings occur _________ (at, in, on, during) the night, either late in the evening or in the  early hours of the morning.  X. ________ (as, while, when, often) they take place on a dark moonless night when the person XI. _________ (are, is, were, was) alone on a country road. This eerie atmosphere  is perfect  XII. _________ (of, for, off, on) playing tricks on a person’s imagination. Police and newspaper                    PART B Q 6 The climate throughout the world is changing. It has already  disturbed weather patterns by increasing rainfall in some areas and  decreasing it in others. The temperature is increasing day by day. It  results as frequent hurricanes , tornadoes, floods, tsunamis, etc.  Write a paragraph in about 100-120 words for your school magazine on  the topic 'Global Warming : A Threat to the Life' . 5 marks  (Hints : Global warming; Rise in avg. temperature, Melting of  glaciers, Due to pollution & human activities) Q 7 Develop a short story with the help of the given Starting line .Give a  suitable title to your story . (100-120 words) 5  marks   It was an amazing day , full of fun and frolic . We all stood amazed to  see a strange flying object over our heads . We started guessing…… OR More and more teenagers are taking drugs considering them as the ultimate solution for all the problem. They live in their own world which is very far from reality. Some starts out of curiosity/ pleasure /peer pressure and then they cannot leave it. You are Sneh or Sneha of 1126 /11 Panipat. Being a student,express your views citing the reason behind taking drugs suggesting some practical solution as well to the editor of the teenage. Q8. Answer the following questions in about 20-30 words :(2X4=8marks)(any 4).  I. Who decided to improve on the quality of the 'Pungi' ? Did he succeed in his endeavour?  II. What pleasure does one gain from the rain falling on the roof?  III. When the Swallow died, what unusual thing happened?  IV. When does the disciple remember the words of his Guru?  V. How did Santosh develop a liking for climbing? Q9. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words :(3X4=12marks)(any 4). (i) Describe Margie and Tommy’s first experience of reading a printed book.? (ii) What inspired Bismillah Khan to play the Shehnai ? (iii)  “Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.” What do these statements by Abdul Kalam’s father tell about his love for Kalam? (iv) The king of the kingdom of fools called the thief ‘an innocent man’. What does this tell you about the king ? (v) How did the Happy Prince and the Swallow help the poor woman and her ill son? (vi) Who was Toto’s companion in the stable? Why did the two never become friends? Q10. Answer one of the questions in about (100-150) words)  (5 Marks)  Describe the destruction wrought by the super cyclone in Ersama in 1999? OR  How did Maria Sharapova overcome the challenges, humiliations and insults to become number 1 in women's tennis ? Q11. Attempt any one out of two long answer type questions in (100- 150 words) 5 marks   Johnsy could not get better despite the doctor and her friend Sue's  ministrations. Describe the negative feeling that keep one ailing and  also the values which remove such feelings and Infuse a person with  a desire to live.  OR   How does the behaviour of the child before and after his separation  from the parents show that he has great love for his parents?
2020-09-24 08:15:00
2020-09-24 11:50:00
Vikram Singh 2020-09-23
12 2020-09-23 3RD-A HINDI Exam
Hindi Reader paper
Mr. Birender Kumar 2020-09-23
13 2020-09-23 5TH-A SCIENCE paper- Science
2020-09-23 11:30:00
2020-09-23 14:45:00
Maya Rani 2020-09-23
14 2020-09-23 2ND- L MATH Exam
Maths Paper
Mr. Birender Kumar 2020-09-23
15 2020-09-23 2ND- L HINDI SA1 examination
Hindi reader
2020-09-24 11:15:00
2020-09-24 14:00:00
Mrs. Reena 2020-09-23
16 2020-09-23 10TH-A S.SCIENCE Sst
2020-09-23 08:20:00
2020-09-23 11:45:00
JYOTI 2020-09-23
17 2020-09-23 8TH-A MATH SA1
September 2020
2020-09-23 08:15:00
2020-09-23 11:50:00
Sanjot Sharma 2020-09-23
18 2020-09-23 4TH-R S.SCIENCE Sst paper
SA1 exam
2020-09-23 11:15:00
2020-09-23 14:46:00
Simpal Verma 2020-09-23
19 2020-09-23 4TH-R S.SCIENCE Sst paper
SA1 4th class
2020-09-23 11:15:00
2020-09-23 14:45:00
Simpal Verma 2020-09-23
20 2020-09-23 6TH-R SCIENCE Examination S.A.1
subjective Type Examination
2020-09-23 08:15:00
2020-09-23 11:30:00
Rakesh Kumar 2020-09-23